We are happy. The Birch Sap harvest season has begun and we will be able to renew our stocks to make our products. The mother essence of Saeve is being preciously recovered and this gives us immense joy.
And this year, we are once again offering you organic Birch Sap cures to drink . We couldn't miss it! Joy even more tenfold.
We are coming out of a particularly harsh winter. We had to stay at home and be even more sedentary. No going out, more slowness, too much food, perhaps in excess.
It is therefore with immense pleasure that we propose to drink this nourishing liquid with indisputable virtues. It must be said that organic Birch Sap is one of the key ingredients in the composition of our cosmetics . We are also proud to be the only brand in the world to offer Birch Sap in treatments to protect the skin.
At Saeve, this jewel of nature is associated with another treasure: the enigmatic but no less wonderful mushroom of eternal life: Organic Chaga . Combined together, these two local ingredients gave birth to our Immunox® Patent , our magical synergy.
But why is it so interesting to take a Birch Sap cure? Why suggest you consume it internally when it is already in our products?
That’s because it’s completely complementary of course. Elimination, remineralization, anti-oxidation, vitality, energy. We went to look for it for you, in our French forests, in peak season .
Focus on the major ingredient of our products and on the trademark of our founder Pauline and the fundamentals of Saeve.
Ancestral sap with a thousand virtues
Used since the Middle Ages, Birch has always been used for medicinal purposes. Everything can be used from this ancestral tree: leaves, bark, buds and sap. Depending on the issues, we will use one part more than another.
But what brings us today is Birch Sap.
Sap is juice. It is the nourishing drink, which climbs from Mother Earth to bring and water the tree to the top of its branches and nourish it. The sap is what prepares the tree to flourish for the warm and lively seasons. It is also she who repairs the tree from damage caused by winter.
We are therefore entering this time of year, when the pickers move silently past the dew in the birch groves of France to harvest it.
In the mist of the clayey soils, the pickers will make a hole in the trunks of the Betula with a small tendril. They will then introduce a tube with a hose, itself connected to a container. Gradually, drops of birch sap will flow quietly. You must follow a code of good practice so as not to tire the trees and completely pillage them. We harvest only from old trees and without going to the end of their reserves.
This delicate ballet only takes place 3 weeks a year, in March, at the time of the ascending Moon. This shows how beautiful, rare and precious this product is. It is this birch sap that we put in our products for your well-being and that we now offer you bottled for a cure.
Why consume Birch Sap?
The birch is therefore full of the resources of the Earth, which nourished it. Birch sap is the concentrate. Studies have reported the presence of multiple nutrients in the latter: calcium, magnesium, silica, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper . Concentrations may vary, but it is good to know that all the minerals present in birch sap are easily assimilated.
Indeed, we talked about juice earlier. Birch sap is actually naturally sweet because it is composed of fructose and glucose. We do not add any sugar to the birch sap that we offer you. But it is this same sugar which will promote the assimilation of nutrients.
It is also naturally rich in vitamin C, proteins and amino acids, polyphenols and phenolic acids .
The main property of birch sap is said to be depurative . In fact, it will activate diuresis and therefore elimination by the kidney. Consider how well things are done. Birch sap is harvested right at the time of year when we need it to free ourselves from the toxins accumulated during the winter. It will therefore increase the quantities of water eliminated and promote detoxification of the body.
Thanks to its unique composition, Birch Sap even brings comfort to osteo-articular problems. Thanks to its proteins, Birch Sap promotes cell renewal. It is of great benefit to our skin in order to work to regenerate it. It will gradually erase the traces and marks left by acne, dehydration and skin aging .
Given all its minerals and trace elements, birch sap will help remineralize the body by affecting the acid-base balance . Silica also helps strengthen hair and nails . It's ideal for regaining a rosy, fresh, blemish-free complexion and goddess-like hair in 3 weeks.
How to consume Birch Sap?
To benefit from the virtues of birch sap, it is imperative to choose it as pure as possible. We added only 1% organic lime juice to ours as a sole preservative.
We invite you to take a birch sap cure during this seasonal transition at the rate of a ½ glass of 12.5 cl per day , to be taken on an empty stomach in the morning for 3 weeks . You therefore need the equivalent of 3 to 4 bottles of our Birch sap to complete a complete cure.
As birch sap contains sugars. These may have a tendency to ferment in the bottle. However, this does not alter the taste or the benefits of the product. However, be sure to open your bottles one after the other.
Store in the fridge after opening. And to accentuate the depurative side and the internal cleansing, remember to drink 1.5 liters of water per day to help the kidney in its elimination work. During this detox, take the opportunity to go to bed early and do not eat too fatty, salty or sweet foods.
It is not recommended to consume organic birch sap if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you suffer from kidney failure or if you have developed large kidney stones and if you are affected by autoimmune diseases. in crisis phase. Do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor if you have the slightest doubt.
The official suppliers of fresh organic Birch “Saeve” are us!
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