What to eat in summer if I have blemishes?
Summer is a very favorable season for foods good for treating acne-related problems. There are two lethal weapons on the stalls.
-The watermelon
But watermelon contains 2.4 grams per 100 grams. It is therefore time to review your consumption of this star cucurbit of hot days and consume it daily. Detox water, plain chunks, fresh green juices, fruit salads, etc.
-Green lentils
Lentils are also great suppliers of Zinc. And it just so happens that the green lentil harvests are done between July and September. We obviously recommend the AOP Green Lentils from Puy-en-Velay in Auvergne.
In salad with fresh chopped red onions and a good vinaigrette with oil rich in Omega 3 and life is super beautiful.
-Fish, shellfish and crustaceans
Summer is not necessarily the most intense season for fish.
However, we often travel to the seaside or to the ocean. It is therefore time to take advantage of the undeniable virtues of seafood.
The oyster is the most loaded with Zinc . If you are lucky enough to find yourself in the right places to taste it, don't hesitate.
But the best part is that fish and other marine products provide you with omega 3 with anti-inflammatory properties.
The rule is to eat these foods very fresh. Also avoid charring them when cooking. Up to 3 times a week , we think of anchovies, shrimps, prawns, lobsters and blue lobsters from Normandy. Mackerel, sardines and white tuna are also part of the party by cooking them with their skins.
What to eat in summer if I get sunburned easily?
Do we dare to talk about chance? No. Summer is the perfect season for plants with colorful pigments. They are wonderful antioxidants that fight against UVA and UVB damage.
-Red, orange and yellow fruits
Raspberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants, blueberries, apricots, melons, peaches, nectarines….
These are beta-carotene bombs. Carotenoids protect the eyes from the aggressive activity of UV rays. They also act on the renewal of tissues and mucous membranes and therefore participate in the cell replication of the skin. They are free radical scavengers. So it's high time to complement the salad with fresh fruit. Add a hint of Sichuan pepper to the passion fruit notes to enhance the taste of the fruit.
-Tomato lycopene
Lycopene is one of the carotenoids mentioned above. It therefore has a major antioxidant action . Summer offers us so many incredible varieties of tomatoes that it would be a shame to deprive ourselves of them.
Lycopene promotes healthy skin that is resistant to the attacks of free radicals generated by UV rays.
However, it has been discovered that the levels of available lycopene increase if the tomato is cooked. So now is the time to make coulis, shakchoukas and bruschettas with baked tomatoes.
Unsurprisingly, we remind you that it is essential to hydrate and drink water.
However, in addition to consuming good cold-pressed organic virgin oils to nourish the skin, summer is conducive to other things to prevent the skin from becoming dehydrated.
-Fresh eggs
Summer is the ultimate season for fresh eggs. And yes, light and sun naturally increase egg laying. Which is ethically much more interesting also for chickens.
The egg is the most perfect protein in the world besides its equally harmonious shape. Egg white is rich in amino acids specific to collagen synthesis.
However, raw egg yolk is a very good source of fatty acids rich in omega 3 and 6 , but also in cholesterol , a precursor of steroid hormones and nutrients for neurotransmitters.
Also a precursor of vitamin A, egg yolk is therefore a wonderful anti-aging agent as it deeply nourishes the skin.
Consume the still liquid yolk: boiled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs, etc.
-Avoid salt
Summer is the season for aperitifs. To deal with those in a hurry, we often find chips, salted peanuts and other quickly consumed biscuits on the tables. In the evening, there are often tapas in the form of charcuterie and cheese platters.
Ouch, ouch, ouch, salt. As long as we accompany everything with alcoholic drinks and in the early morning, we find ourselves completely dried out. Salt is a water trap and alcohol is dehydrating. So, for this summer's occasions, remember to think ahead.
So, that gives us a beautiful lentil salad with a soft-boiled egg, toast with candied tomatoes and shrimp, mackerel with rosemary grilled on the plancha, fresh watermelon water and a red fruit salad. We're here, right?
And to hydrate your skin and refresh yourself at any time of the day, choose Saeve's Soothing Re-Hydrating Mist . In addition to soothing sensitive skin, it gives your skin the boost you need in this extreme heat!