Instant S[æ]ve in February

S[æ]ve in February? It could be described like this...

Instant S[æ]ve in February

In an atmosphere of powder snow and fresh air...

... which tingle the cheekbone and make it rosy like a deer running through the birch forests, today we're off to nature and the peaks.

We recommend Auvergne , just to change from the resorts crowded with people and butt lifts. The country of Salers, where the trees bend under the weight of a heavy coat of white flakes.

Think in this period to regain strength to end the Winter. There is nothing like rest and fresh air to boost your immune defences. A small rental with all modern comforts, good bedding, a nice kitchen and small simmered and garnished dishes. Because we like our little comforts all the same.

Auvergne is where the finest active ingredients on Earth are harvested. Those present in the fresh Sap of Birch and extracts of Chaga Bio . This unique and magical concentrate can only flourish in a region as beautiful as it is untouched by any human folly.

In the evening, after a good cross-country skiing session, it will be time to take care of yourself. In the hollow of the soothing silence of Nature, we invite you to pamper and nourish your skin .



Take the time, do yourself good.

Why not start with a mask? It's true. What woman never laments a schedule so full that she can never take advantage of a moment for a cocooning and relaxing treatment?

Walks in the cold and full heating, we offer you the Soothing Re-Hydrating Infusion Mask , from the Hydra Malva range, with dreamy smells. Ten minutes of intense pleasure. Your skin will finally drink and plump up in depth .

In this same range, we call the Thirst-Quenching Rich Cream , worthy of the most enveloping balms. Its generous and melting texture relieves dehydrated skin torn by the cold .

This range aims for excellence in hydration, because our Immunox® complex is supplemented with titrated Mallow extracts, which have a direct action on the discomfort of thirsty skin. And in order to deepen the work on the lack of water, we added Hyaluronic Acid to capture moisture and water the cells of the skin.

Moreover, in our range, our little nugget of 24h Hydrating Botanical Serum was awarded Best Face Care 2019 by Santé Magazine.

Snow, rest, soft care, come back beautiful and rested at the office.

Long live Hydra Malva!

The team

Take the time, do yourself good.

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